Company News About 5 ways you can engage your shoppers with interactive kiosks
5 ways you can engage your shoppers with interactive kiosks
It's no surprise that interactive kiosks are popping up all over the retail landscape. Digital interactive kiosks offer innovative ways to interact with your customers, reach target audiences efficiently and thrive in today's competitive marketplace.
Here are five ways interactive kiosks can work for your business:
1 Help your customers find the right product
Interactive kiosks can help your customers zero in on the right product quickly and easily. Whether its selecting the right pillow, choosing a kids car seat or picking the right GPS system, kiosks can help customers to self-educate and select the right product for their needs without sales assistance. Many customers actually prefer to shop in this fashion without the need to interact with sales people.
2 Facilitate customer sales efficiently
Interactive kiosks make an excellent sales assistant tool for your customer service representatives. For example, if a customer has a question about a specific product, such as a cellphone, a salesperson can lead them over to the interactive kiosk and direct them to the product they are specifically interested in. Simply by touching the screen or scanning a product, the customer can learn about pricing, view different color options, find buying guides and compare products on the spot. Interactive kiosks supplement the service from your salesperson and provide customers with the information they need even when a sales assistant is not immediately available to help.
3 Reduce "walk-outs"
By keeping your customers engaged, they are less likely to leave the store while waiting for a sales representative to become available. Traffic volumes vary greatly in retail. When customers flood the store, interactive kiosks can begin the education and sales process until sales personnel are free.